Thursday, July 12, 2007

Oats and Cholesterol

Credit to Miss Amal for the initial article. I really think it's worth highlighting considering the fact that the number one culprit for heart disease is actually your cholesterol level. then only comes smoking, diabetes and hypertension.

Think oats ... what comes to mind? Healthy? Nutritious? A little bland and unexciting ? Troublesome to prepare ? Probably something only granny would eat for breakfast. So, are these perceptions true? Well, yes and no.

Yes, you're right

You know that oats is a 100% natural food and is therefore, good for you. But did you know that it's especially great for your heart? In fact, oats are actually the only major grain clinically proven to help lower your cholesterol, which will, in turn, significantly reduce your risk of heart disease.

How does this work, you ask?

Every day, the cholesterol made in the body is used to make bile acids, which
digest and absorb the fat that we eat. When you eat oats, the soluble fibre(beta-glucan) it releases binds the cholesterol-laden bile acids in your gut and both are eliminated through the bowels. This means the cholesterol is kept from entering your blood stream, leading to lower blood cholesterol and reduced risk of heart dieases.Oats also contain insoluble fibre, which adds bulk to the stool and helps it pass through the stomach and intestines more easily. Besides lowering the cholesterol level, oat soluble fibre (beta-glucan) also helps stabilise blood sugar levels. It slows down digestion and absorption so that it takes more time for the glucose (sugar) in your food to enter the bloodstream. This prevents a sudden spike in blood sugar levels and is especially beneficial for those who have diabetes.

Oats also brings good news to those who are trying to lose weight. Because it is a low-fat source of energy, oats take longer to digest. This means you stay full for a longer period of time and won't fall into the trap of over-eating. What an effective way to keep the numbers on your weighing scale from climbing up!

Note: This article is courtesy of the Quaker Smart Heart programme

No, you're wrong

You think oats are bland, unexciting and troublesome to prepare? Here is sone preparation pointer that will change your mind.

Add 2 big spoons of oats into your HERBALIFE Shake and blend them together!

i agree, if you ask me to take oats on its own, i wont. it just doesnt taste good but what i did is add it up to my chocolate shakes every morning for breakfast. not only i stay filled for longer period, i am helping my body to get rid of the cholesterol as well. kill 2 birds with a stone, they say.

take home message for those over 50 year old (or have parents over that age), have family history of heart disease, suffer from diabetes and high blood pressure, malaysian who indulge in high-cholesterol-meals of nasi lemak, roti canai, kari kepala ikan and many others who are managing the weight: take ur chance with oats and make it more interesting with shakes;)

take home message for everyone: prevention is better than cure. if you choose not to take the first step for a better health, nobody can do it for u. longevity is in your hand, not others.

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