Sunday, June 17, 2007

Winter trick!

So, here comes the chilly and gloomy weather. Remember the feeling of not wanting to do anything else because we dont have anymore energy left. we just feel tired for not good reason, and we blame the weather.eheh. to make things worse, we comforted ourselves with all-the-junkies hoping that it will heat us up and make us more energetic. opsss, the weighing scale doesn't look nice. ding dong!!

oh, what about the dry skin and looking a few years older? we blame the weather again.eheh.

the common sense is, we rehydrate ourselves much much less with winter because the thirst is no longer there. we thought that we're hungry and under-eating, when the truth is we are just dehydrated. so wanna trick our mind with Nutritional Shakes and Energy Booster Teamix?

we filled ourselves in with COMPLETE NUTRITION, not the high-MSG-and-fat junkies.

we treat ourselves with peach-flavoured tea, that simultaneously DETOXS and gives EXTRA ENERGY

we saviour our skin with GOOD HYDRATION.

we save ourselves from throwing the weighing scale off the wall ;)

win-win situation;)

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