Monday, June 18, 2007

More joy!!

Miss AH is my other fren who also just started with HL. she already heard about it from her cousin who manage her weight with HL after delivering birth, so its easy to share my experience. as Miss T approaching a week of using HL ..i simply asked how she went

voila! already lost more than 1kg...despite being a cheeky girl with a few non-compliant episodes;) hehehe, it's long as you're positive and willing to take the challenge, i'm sure it will turn out good..

so, lepas nih dah kurang dugaan utk ngelat and lebih compliant..mesti lagi banyak improvement. nanti beli yoghurt and buah banyak2..boleh try variety of fruity best!!


i was on the phone with my mum..asking how my sister's doing with HL and telling her how my health has improved.

mum: takpe ke amik benda nih? (being a mum..)

me: takpe ma..diorg ada doktor2 yg research psl benda kira memang standard dijaga. kalu tak confident, takdela nak kasi family and kwn2 pakai jugak.

mum: ohh, kalu macam tuh takpelah. (convinced)

me: lgpun alhamdulillah skarang takde sakit2 dah..kan?

mum: haah, betul. kalu dulu sikit2 je cakap sakit masa call..sekarang ni takde dah eh?

me: haah, alhamdulillah. sejak pakai nih, mmg dah takde sakit dah. kalu dulu migraine la, selsema, gastrik. sekarang alhamdulillah takde lagi. lagipun asas benda nih bagi cells kita nutrition. so kalu cell dlm badan kita dpt cukup nutrition, tuh yg rasa cergas and boleh turun berat.

mum: ohh..

me: (i went on talking about teamix...she seemed interested on the EXTRA ENERGY..)

now my vision for the next holiday is to get my parents' started with HL. maybe with teamix first as they're always busy and need more energy.. then, i wanna find the taste of shakes to their liking, to help with cholesterol and general wellbeing.

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