Thursday, November 8, 2007

That't the spirit!

1. Miss SR
yAtt: haah, im proud of u actually!
yAtt: u proved it yg kalu nak, ape2 pun boleh buat
SR: yep
SR: i was surprised myself

yAtt: hehe as long as u follow the routines, its possible
yAtt: keep it up!
SR: i will, i will!
SR: you don't have to worry

yAtt: will try my best to b with u all along

Progress: LOSE 4KG in 2 WEEKS!

2. Miss CA
yAtt (7/11/2007 5:43:45 PM): thats even better!
yAtt (7/11/2007 5:43:57 PM): so dont give up ok
CA(7/11/2007 5:44:20 PM): ok..
CA (7/11/2007 5:44:26 PM): of course xkn gv up..
CA (7/11/2007 5:44:33 PM): determination tggi neyh..
CA (7/11/2007 5:44:35 PM): hehhee
CA (7/11/2007 5:44:38 PM): insyaallah...

yAtt (7/11/2007 5:45:06 PM): insya Allahhh

Progress: LOSE 5KG IN 4 WEEKS!

My words: When there's a will, there's a way...C0ngratulations!

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