Thursday, November 1, 2007


Hello people,

I thought i wouldnt be posting up for a while but great news shouldn't wait? ;)

1. YM with a new HL buddy-just received her HL pack

yAtt: feeling healthy and energecti?
SR: yep
SR: like i said in the blog la, kalau dulu susah nak minum air
SR: but now 500ml senang je nak abis
yAtt: alhamdulillahh
yAtt: dlm masa 2 weeks lagi ke, i akan keep up with ur progress
yAtt: just make sure motivation's there!
yAtt: and follow the tips
SR: ok
SR: before this, i don't even know i tak terfikir nak kurus or anything. just that bila tgk dlm cermin, i saw a fat girl but i never made an effort to slim down
SR: but now mmg i am really into it
SR: doakan i!
SR: i really wanna lead a healthy lifestyle...
yAtt: of course i will doakan u
yAtt: insya Allah
yAtt: with good will, comes great results!

Email later

yatt, i just got the vanilla today, so tak sempat lagi nak try the taste of vanilla. will try it tonight. but you know what? since a couple of days ago, i did not even take any shakes (sebab stock dah abis kan?), just had teamix and you know what? i managed to lose 1kg. and that day, i bought this slip dress. memang ketat a bit but i bought it anyway cos it was so nice and it's also for my own personal motivation. last night, i tried it on and muat! happy, happy, happy!

2. Email from another newbie- day 3 review

Appetite wise, ok … mmg kenyang pon minum HL. Minum pkl 7, lunch pon x lapa2 lagik

Energy, up sket… xde la mcm before2 nih (sket2 dah lembek, badan cepat penat & letih etc)

3. My cousin, breast-feeding mummy to her first baby boy.

Mummy's update
KC: see my new pic... nampak x muka i dah tak tembam...hehehe
KC: very happy...but... kat area pinggul and peha still perlukan perhatian..
KC: then... my officemate pon tegur... "u makan ape eh? badan maintain lepas bersalin.."
KC: ade siap ckp nampak mcm anak dara.. (ntah lee bodek ke betul)..hehehe
KC: InsyaAllah..lepas syawal ni... nak 100& stick to HL...kita tunggu dan lihat.. if i can wear my levi's jeans yg pinggang dia size 29 tu...hehehe (tu pon pd org dah beso...)
KC: pon much..much better

Baby's update
KC: dia xde problem mcm ruam ke apa w/pun dia berpeluh
KC: yep...sbb..before this...dah 2 kali dia kena cucuk...sikit tak demam...

Alhamdulillah, more and more people appreciates HL like i do;) CONGRATULATIONS!

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