Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Metabolism and such

Below is sure a lengthy one to read! With HERBALIFE, you don't even have to worry about counting your calories and protein intake! Just take the shakes as recommended, follow your meal plans as directed to suit your program (be it Weight Loss, Weight Gain or Fitness) and see the results in a matter of days or weeks! But read on for your own knowledge ;)

How do you select a plan that will work for you ?

1. Fewer Calories (HERBALIFE Shakes)

There is more to losing weight than cutting calories. The key to a weight loss plan that works for you is to find one which will help you eat just the right amount of calories to lose weight. For example in most cases that starting point is to reduce your daily calories intake by 500 calories. However you should never go below 1000 calories per day (or skip meals) as your body will think you are starving and slow down your metabolism even more.

2. The right protein levels (HERBALIFE Formula 3 Blended Soy)

When you eat the right amount of protein for your body this will increase lean body mass. (i.e. helps your muscles work at their best).
The more lean body mass you have, the higher your metabolic rate and the more calories you'll burn. Getting the right level of protein will help boost your metabolic rate (naturally) and increase the speed at which you lose weight.

3. The right food to boost metabolism

Yes easy steps like drinking enough water, having regular (smaller) meals, etc will all help boost your metabolism. However the type of diet you follow - the food you select - will have a major impact on your metabolism and weight loss. In addition if you get this right you will also see a boost in your energy levels. How to select a plan? The choice of weight loss plans is enormous. From cutting back on calories, avoiding food groups, protein based, having to go and be weighed, etc. If you have a slow metabolism or thyroid then you will need to select a plan specifically designed for weight loss and boosting metabolism.

Weight loss
How you can boost your metabolic rate ?

If you want to lose weight, and have a slow metabolism, then weight loss will be more than cutting down on calories, skipping meals or spending hours in the gym.

The key to your success ,and achieve your ideal body shape, is to focus on your resting metabolic rate (BMR).

What is Metabolism / Metabolic rate?

Metabolism is the process whereby the body converts food into energy (or uses it for bodily repairs) or stores it as fat for future use. In simple terms, if you have a faster metabolism you burn calories more efficiently and store less fat.

So why is this important ?

When the thyroid is underactive, it produces too little thyroxine, producing symptoms such as extreme tiredness, an intolerance to cold, mental drowsiness, weight gain (even with a poor appetite), constipation, etc. To lose weight the higher you can make your metabolic rate the quicker you will burn fat - and lose weight.

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