MCN??She called me while i was in Perhentian to order her next HL. Suprise suprise!
After no weight loss for 3 week (i attempted to follow up my HL buddies every weekend), she told me she lost 2kg on the 4th week. Another great example how thrilling and exciting HL results could may not be losing weight and cm's every week but it always catches up!
As a results,
she lost 5kg in 2 months. Perfectly healthy! It awed me even more because as we grow older (and went thru a lot of pregnancy), it's usually harder for us to lose weight because of the lowered metabolism but
HL proved that it's all possible regardless of our age..
And here's some more compliments she received from people
My mum- commented that MCN's skin looked glowy and smoother with less visibled blackhead around the nose.
Her husband-took note of her clothes that are now baggier.
Her children- remarked that her tummy is now less visible.
Her colleagues-suprised to see how much she has slimmed down.While MCN is impressed with herself.
She could be driving for 40 mins from school and still have the energy to prepare lunch and be in charge of the house. She agreed with me now about how much her food intake has decreased and a lot more controllable appetite. Dulu nasi ulam tak cukup sepinggan sekarang nak habiskan sepinggan pun dah tak larat. Dulu pagi2 mesti makan nasi sekarang dah masuk 2 bulan makan nasi hanya sekali sehari tanpa rasa lapar!! ;)Now i'm excited to hear her results with the 3rd pack;)