Friday, April 25, 2008

From 7 to 6!

SMS-Salam. Lupa nak bagitau my weight dah tukar la. Number depan dah jadi 6 balik. Yeay! Just before stat hl aku cek 71. sekarang 69 :-D

hiks...congrats!!! there you go, girl...

ohh, i just got more great news

- MCH lost 6 kg after 3 months of HL...

- Her friend lost 4 kg in just 3 weeks

- On a different mission, her other friend managed to gain more than 1 kg and curb her gastritis.

most importantly, ALL of them feel healthier and more energised.

They are all like you people, only that they've made a wise decision with HL;)

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Lose Weight, Shape Up!

'Sorry for the l8 reply. Dah kurang 1 kg..hehe.. tak sempat nak measure la pulak, tp noticed la bila pakai jeans dah loose. i nak order another pack boleh?' exciting!

Friday, April 4, 2008

Committed to Help!

When i was away for induction and BTN, my bag could not fit in F1 and F3 bottles.. Despited good spread of buffet everyday (of course, not during BTN:p), i missed my Herbalife for the healthy feeling. Thank God, i brought along teamix...It made a big differences in my level of alertness and energy;)

Now i'm back on track, i feel much better...It's not the withdrawal symptoms, mind you but how everyday our body (machine) require good nutrient (fuel) to function from day to night...

Actually, I've been posted to HKB and will start working this sunday. Don't worry, i will always have time for my wellness buddies to answer concern and keep track of your progress, insya Allah. All you need to do is send me an sms or email (if it's gonna be long) and i'll reply as soon as possible. I'm just too excited to see other people achieving their target!

My word of wisdom to achieve your desired result will always be POSITIVE ATTITUDE and CONSISTENCY!

As for myself, i will always keep shakes, teamix (and soon chocolate protein bar) closer to help me go thru up to 36 hours of work...

Become A Wellness Coach Yourself...

Curious to know about MCN's proress?

I called her the other day.

Not only she's happy with the 5kg loss and decided to maintain it, her husband complimented on her being plump no more and many others remarked on her new body and look.she also noted that her body feels firmer unlike the usual flabby feelings before Herbalife comes into picture

she's soooo excited from the tone of her voice;)

Now she's a wellness coach herself, how great is that!! Let me know if you wanna follow her suit...

Get your dream body shape and boost up ur confidence!!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Believe in Yourself!

Sms 1- Hehe..tuela so far dah 4kg kurang :D bleh kurang byk lg ni..

Sms 2- Thanks..u r one of my role model utk kurus hehe

Note the optimism? Way to go girl!

Do It Right...

'A ah, still consume lagi..satu kg loss and 4cm. Hepi sbb eventho 2,3 hari x minum shake, badan menten x mcm dulu bdn mudah naik, ikut petua yatt..hehe..'

sms reply from Miey..