Friday, April 25, 2008

From 7 to 6!

SMS-Salam. Lupa nak bagitau my weight dah tukar la. Number depan dah jadi 6 balik. Yeay! Just before stat hl aku cek 71. sekarang 69 :-D

hiks...congrats!!! there you go, girl...

ohh, i just got more great news

- MCH lost 6 kg after 3 months of HL...

- Her friend lost 4 kg in just 3 weeks

- On a different mission, her other friend managed to gain more than 1 kg and curb her gastritis.

most importantly, ALL of them feel healthier and more energised.

They are all like you people, only that they've made a wise decision with HL;)

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