Amal, now i understand the joy..of being able to help others in a healthy's the conversation. I have never met Miss SN, but we got to know each other quite well since the existence of this website. She has been telling me how difficult it is sometimes to keep the motivation going..but after a week of trying the modified schedule with a few tricks here and there ..
SN:yatttt i've lost weight
SN:and ramai plak tuh yang notice
SN:2kg ok
SN:*hug icon*
yAtt: yeayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!
yAtt: i told u...mesti boleh punyeee
SN: at last
SN: hehehe
yAtt: eeee happy2
SN: i x sabar sgt nak gitau u tauyAtt: hehe best2
yAtt: keep it up tau
yAtt: once u dah get into the momentum...lagi senang nak lose more
yAtt: haa tuhla i ckp..kena sabar n committed
yAtt: n paling penting, POSITIVE
yAtt: so happy for u
(explaining about her old weighing scale..and now after getting a new digital one)
SN: so apa lagi
SN: timbang la
SN: dari 80kg now 78.4 kg
SN: pastu pagi tadi i timbang 77.2kg yAtt: wahhhhhhhhh besnyeee
SN: boipren i pun cakpSN: wah seluar dah nampak longgar kena beli baru ni
SN: sgt betul lah u cakap
SN: kena SABAR
SN: and DICIPLINE.......
SN: *icon joget lambak*yAtt: *icon joget lambak*
SN: i jadikan ni sebagai satu motivation utk i.....
yAtt: nti by the time u tunang nti..mesti kena tukar ukuran
yAtt: besnyeee
SN: hopefully lah yatt
SN: i tatau sempat ke takyAtt: OF prove that u can do it
SN: hopefully i can do it
SN: i believe u sgtttttt now
SN: hahahaha
SN: dulu asyik bebel2 n sedih je kan
SN: now even 1kg pun i mcm nak heboh kat satu donia
SN: hahahhahahayAtt: awwww thats goodd
yAtt: so now dah ada new motivation nih..i'm sure lps nih will be easier
yAtt: tambah2 plak u rajin work out..lagi la senang
SN: nanti bila ada perubahan yg besar i boleh update gamboyAtt: yeayy of coursee
yAtt: hehe
yAtt: i pun nak shape up sket lg nih...
yAtt: kita aim to lose 3kg in a month
yAtt: i rasa itu realistic
SN: yatt eventho i didnt know u but i dapat rasakan u sgt helpful
SN: n baik hati gitu
SN: sesuai jd dr ni
SN: heheh
SN: *hug icon*
yAtt: awwww *blush icon*
SN: hey i ikhlas k
yAtt: thank u..*speechless la pulak*
SN: haha
SN: ikhlas from stranger like me
yAtt: aawww..thankss
SN: ;)
yAtt: dont worry..i'm always here to help
yAtt: most welcome...anything u just buzz me ok
yAtt: so u take care ok..keep up the good work n be positivethat really makes me smile, and doesnt takes money or energy to make someone else happy, isnt it?
to my new sis,
STAY POSITIVE..if other people can do it, u also can ;) and most importantly, u're doing it the
RIGHT way..