Monday, September 24, 2012



Soalan common utk dijawab. Here's the facts for the question..

HERBALIFE headquarter Los Angeles
#1 - Herbalife was established in 1980 so it's been 32 years and counting..

#2 - The number of satisfied customers keep on growing up to 100 million people daily -3 times of Malaysia's population.

#3- Herbalife is available in 84 countries and welcomes new countries each year

#4- Listed on the biggest & most stringent stock exchange in the world,  New York Stock Exchange (NYSE).

#5- Premier in the nutrition and weight management company.

#6- Research and Science based company, with full compliance of FDA from USA and passed the mega dosage and full disclosure laws in USA.

#7- Herbalife has most respected list of scientists & medical professionals on Medical & Scientific Advisory Board

#8- Certified HALAL by The Islamic Food and Nutrition Council of America. 
So, ini semua facts that i consider when i first started with Herbalife 6 years ago and continue with the nutrition until today...nak consume something on daily basis, kena ada knowledge about the product and company.
Sesiapa yang DECIDE utk jadi lebih sihat dan bertenaga, sms 012 9015056 atau email
HEALTH IS WEALTH.                              

Saturday, September 15, 2012


HERBALIFE is a multinational company that provides both local and international training to the independent distributors to spread the words of NUTRITION, so attending HERBALIFE UNIVERSITY is one of the highlights to any HERBALIFERS.. The event is going on in Macau and attended by more than 16,000 leaders in HERBALIFE from 14 APAC countries..
All shared the same mission: Nutrition for a Better Life. One of the guest speaker is Prof Dr David Herber who won The Best Doctor in America for 6 times and also part of HERBALIFE'S Nutritional and Medical Advisory Board. This events provides FACTS and INFORMATION about health epidemics and nutrition, leadership training and many more.
The Man's word of wisdom..
The training ground..
The crowd with positive energy and attitudes..
You dont have to be all brainy and genius to attend this University, all you need is positive vibes and big dream to help others.
I missed to attend this event but insya Allah, will work my way to be there in Herbalife University 2013...

Saturday, September 8, 2012



Makanan yang halal dan baik.

Makanan halal: bebas dari alkohol dan tidak bersumberkan binatang atau benda yang haram.

Makanan baik: berkhasiat dan tidak memudharatkan kesihatan.

Prinsip asas untuk setiap Muslim membuat pilihan makanan seharian.

Jadi, untuk memudahkan rujukan bagi MEMBUAT KEPUTUSAN KESIHATAN, sila lihat sijil2 di bawah.

Alhamdulillah, produk2 HERBALIFE ada sijil HALAL dari THE ISLAMIC FOOD AND NUTRITION COUNCIL OF AMERICA. Sah sehingga Februari 2013 dan akan di-renew selepas tu..

Ye, makanan dan nutrisi.. bukan ubat kurus, bukan ubat pelangsing.

Insya Allah, kalu dah DECIDE utk jadi lebih sihat dan cergas boleh email atau sms 012 9015056 atau isi borang di sebelah..


Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Nutrisi Untuk Warga Emas

Tahun ni Ma berumur 62 tahun. Bekas guru yang sibuk walaupun slps pencen. Macam2 aktiviti Ma buat dan join. Alhamdulillah, setakat ni Ma takde masalah kesihatan kronik..stakat sakit2 sendi. Tapi keluarga kami ada family history kanser usus dan heart disease. Ma quite particular dgn kesihatan, tu sebab kat rumah ada self-monitoring blood pressure..ehehe..Selain tu, bila puasa Ma ada masalah gastrik yang teruk sampaikan kena minum ubat gastrik almost everyday masa sahur.

Alhamdulillah, selepas 5 tahun, akhirnya bulan puasa tahun nih Ma DECIDE untuk mengamalkan nutrisi HERBALIFE. Bukan untuk kurus atau shape up, tapi Ma nak jadi lebih sihat dan bertenaga. Sebab balik cuti awal puasa dah habis stok Herbal Aloe, Ma cuma start dengan teamix dan shakes..tapi awal balik tuh  Ma tak start terus..bila tanya kenapa, Ma tunggu anak dia ni ada kat rumah dan prepare shakes utk dia baru dia minum (ulang alik duduk rumah dan rumah mertua time cuti).


Alhamdulillah, 1st day minum HEALTHY BREAKFAST utk sahur (prepared by yours truly), ma dah tak pedih2 perut..sakit sendi pun dah kurang..bila balik kedah lepas abis cuti, selalu call dan update kesihatan Ma..Ma kata dah stop minum ubat gastrik masa sahur, cukup dengan minum SHAKES..tenaga pun ok bila minum TEAMIX..Abah pun join skali minum TEAMIX,Alhamdulillah...

Balik cuti raya, Ma share ada kawan tegur sbb nmpk ma cergas bertenaga je di bulan puasa. Ma rasa badan ringan dan sihat..Alhamdulillah

Ma dah habis minum shakes perisa coklat, dia minta bawa balik perisa vanila. Bekalkan juga Herbal Aloe utk Ma..

Semoga Allah terus beri kesihatan dan tenaga yang baik untuk Ma..dan berjaya include Abah dalam Misi Warga Emas Sihat dan Cergas, hehehe..

Misi Keluarga seterusnya: bantu abang untuk weight management dan stop smoking.

YA.  stop smoking in natural way.

Kalau ingin membantu ahli keluarga tersayang jadi lebih sihat dan bertenaga, sms 012 9015056 atau email

Friday, August 24, 2012


Ini berat saya sebelum memulakan Personal Weight Loss Challenge 2012 pada dlm hujung bulan 6
Ini berat saya sebelum start berpuasa..dah turun 3.6kg dlm pertengahan bulan Julai.
Alhamdulillah consistent dgn Nutrisi utk berbuka dan bersahur sepanjang bulan puasa (dan makan colourful meal slps terawikh)..badan sihat dan cergas sepanjang hari dan bonus di penghujung Ramadhan..
Alhamdulillah, berat sudah masuk kategori normal (personal weight limit is 52-55kg). Dah capai berat kurang dari 55kg, mmg badan rasa selesa dan lebih bertenaga..tak lagi lesu dan cepat letih..
Kalau dah DECIDE untuk hidup lebih sihat dan bertenaga melalui NUTRISI HERBALIFE  dan perlukan Personal Wellness Coach, boleh sms 012 9015056 atau email snuryati
Kalau ada di area Jitra dan Alor Setar dan nak join Weight Loss Challenge beramai2, boleh contact sebelum 1st Sept nih..

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Healthier husband...


Seperti dijanjikan nak share preview testimonials husband sebelum raya.

He DECIDED to be healthier by taking consistent HEALTHY BREAKFAST (makanan nutrisi 1 2 3) in early May 2012.

After 4 months of complete nutrition HERBALIFE, here's the result...

Alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah.

To those yang berada di Kelantan, boleh sharing in person masa raya nanti..yang berada di Kedah, tunggu kami balik sana minggu depan..yang di tempat2 lain, boleh contact either of us to learn how to be healthy as well..


Thursday, August 16, 2012

Feeling clucky?

When she first DECIDE to start on HERBALIFE about 2 month ago, she told me that she wanted to lose weight while trying to conceive..yes, we shared the same goal..

After 1 month of HERBALIFE, not only she shaped her body up , the next thing she knew was she's pregnant..Alhamdulillah, rezeki..

NO, i am not claiming HERBALIFE will improve our fertility and helps in conception but HERBALIFE prepare our body to receive new life in our womb by providing complete nutrition to our cells because you'll never know when are u going to get pregnant. Ideally, we should start on folate once we plan to conceive but tell me who take it with good compliance? I know i dont because i am never good with pills, i always forget to eat them. So the best way is to include all the important vitamins and minerals needed in our meal..

So her next question was about supplement in pregnancy. I remembered during our sharing session in Kuala Kedah, my mentor who is herbalifer for 6 years including her 2 pregnancy shared that her gynaecologist agreed that since she's on HERBALIFE, she does not need to take supplement during pregnancy because everything's complete in the shakes.

So i goggled the common and famous multivitamin in store for pregnancy  and here's the content

Isnt that what we have in our Formula 1?

Then i come home and look at my Cappucino Formula 1 bottle, scanning through the NUTRITION FACTS

So yes, it's the same content..HERBALIFE even have more minerals and vitamins ..

To the future mommies, please DECIDE for your health and wellness and insya Allah for your future baby too..

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

To MD's and MBBS's

A few weeks ago, i came across an open discussion about doctors promoting testimonial-based products and i quote

' ...other meds/ therapies that are only 'researched' by testimonials'

So here I'd like to introduce the people behind Herbalife products. Yes, Louis Ignarro won 1998 Nobel Laureate in Medicine based on his research on Nitric Oxide.

Read more about Nutrition Advisory Board in  HERBALIFESCIENCE.COM

'Within the United States, the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) regulates our conventional foods, dietary supplements and cosmetics under the Food, Drug & Cosmetic Act, as amended. All Herbalife products contain ingredients either already recognized as safe or otherwise specifically permitted.

All of our products are labelled according to FDA regulations and must be manufactured in accordance with established quality standards by vendors, which are periodically inspected and audited by Herbalife in accordance with the company’s written quality assurance procedures. All Herbalife food and supplement products, as well as its facilities, are subject to FDA inspection and enforcement authority at all times.

Outside of the United States, we comply with and are regulated by the various ministries of health and food standards agencies in the additional 69 countries where we do business.'

Excerpt from HERBALIFESCIENCE.COM. You can also read on rebuttal to journal articles in the last column..

I know we've learnt about nutrition and  health in our medical school and everyone's aware of the importance of healthy eating to prevent many disease . That's a fact, not a made-up. So i hope we learn from our patients that suffer from diet-related disease (and did you notice the age of presentation is getting younger?) and DECIDE what's best for our health and wellness.

I have nothing to say about other products but as for HERBALIFE,  i have my personal testimonials of 6 years consuming it for health and wellness. I am here to share what's good with my family and friends. Also i met and talked to people who has benefited from HERBALIFE. So, my friendly advise is for you to attend at least one event of HERBALIFE at your local place and listen for yourself their story, instead of making assumption.

Last but not least, please click on for research-based articles and journals. Hope this will help you to DECIDE for your health and wellness.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Kisah Ramadhan 2012

Alhamdulillah Ramadhan tahun nih berjaya membuat kelainan dan improve on eating habit. Kalau sepanjang 5 tahun lepas, cuma bersahur dengan shakes tapi berbuka macam biasa then  lepas terawikh still kenyang lagi utk minum another shakes. Kesannya, badan sihat bertenaga sepanjang hari tanpa masalah gastrik sebab bersahur dgn nutritional food tp lepas berbuka, perut rasa sebu sgt pastu bila terawikh mulalah tersengguk2 sebab mengantuk kesan makanan serba serbi masa berbuka. Tak best kan?

So tahun nih nekad nak bersahur DAN berbuka dgn NUTRISI 1 2 3  bersama-sama suami.

Alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah.

Bila bersahur dgn NUTRISI 1 2 3, badan kekal bertenaga dan cergas sepanjang hari. Bangun sahur pukul 5, spend time less than 10 mins utk prepare sahur COMPLETE NUTRITION, pastu ada banyak masa extra sbb lepas tuh mmg x tido sampaila pergi keje.  Even kalu keje petang or malam pun memang x tido. So alhamdulillah, rasa sangat produktif hari hari..kerja di jabatan kecemasan mmg confirm 7 jam (kalu shift mlm up to 10 jam) akan berdiri dan bergerak sana sini utk tgk patient tp alhamdulillah, energy mmg maintain. Masih boleh bersabar dgn karenah patients dan selesaikan kerja2 lain..

Balik rumah utk berbuka tak perlu singgah Pasar Ramadhan, jimat lagi masa dan tenaga. oh, jimat duit juga..sbb makanan utk berbuka mmg dah ada kat rumah..

Tak teringin ke nak makan sedap2 waktu berbuka?

Hehehe, takpe, insya Allah panjang umur lepas Ramadhan boleh makan lagi..tanak dah ulang tabit buruk beli macam2 pastu lebih dari separuh masuk tong sampah pastu kalu yg masuk perut pun, belum tentu bersih dan berkhasiat..

Masa utk berbuka juga disingkatkan tapi yang penting, badan dapat COMPLETE NUTRITION. Itu yg lebih penting?

Tak boring ke minum shakes hari2?

Tak kot sbb ada different flavour , then be creative with fruits and yoghurt dlm shakes. Different flavour everyday;) dlm bulan puasa nih juga start include kurma utk blend dlm shakes so insya Allah masih mengikut sunnah Nabi utk makan kurma..

Paling best lepas berbuka, perut kami rasa sangat selesa utk berterawikh. Tak lagi rasa sebu dan paling penting, dah takde aksi tertidur time solat.Alhamdulillah sgt2..

Balik terawikh baru prepare home-made meals, tp bila dah mkn shakes about 3 hours ago, perut x la lapar sgt..usually we'll have healthy wraps/sandwich/salad pastu tido tanpa rasa bersalah pada perut. Ok, boleh je nak makan nasi lps terawikh tp kami lagi selesa dgn light dinner sbb lps tuh dah nak tido..yang penting, sedapp dan berkhasiat;)

Rugilah bulan puasa tak makan sedap sedap..?

=) Takpe, semua org ada pendapat masing2 kan? Pendapat kami, kami nak MAKAN SEDAP DAN BERKHASIAT, bukan setakat sedap saja..
We DECIDE to be healthy during Ramadhan.

Follow up one of my Herbalife's member.

Insya Allah , masih ada masa 10 hari lagi utk DECIDE jadi lebih sihat dan bertenaga di bulan Ramadhan.

Monday, August 6, 2012


Alhamdulillah, it's almost 6 weeks into my personal weight loss challenge 2012. I set my personal goal to lose at least 7kg within 3 months and be healthier.

I drank HEALTHY BREAKFAST and replaced my dinner with additional shakes.

I enjoyed my favourite colourful meal for lunch.  

I drank at least 2 litre of water everyday to flush out toxins and fat from my body.

I did aerobic work out whenever the session didnt clash with my shift work.

I kept positive attitude towards my wellness and health.

Alhamdulillah, my life becomes better

# I woke up feeling refreshed and be on my foot for 7-10hours non stop performing my job in emergency department.

# I had better concentration in my reading (Alhamdulillah for my ACLS course)

# I enjoyed clear view of what i want to achieve and make a difference in my life

# I am grateful for better digestion.

# I am happy for feeling energetic throughout the day.

# My acne scar doesnt take long to dissapear.

# I can fit into some of my old pants and tops

After 1 month of consistent nutritional food...

Wednesday, July 18, 2012



Insya Allah tahun nih adalah tahun ke 6 berpuasa bersama HERBALIFE. Routine selama 5 tahun lepas ada bersahur dgn kurma dan shakes, lepas tuh berbuka macam biasa dan minum teamix. Supposedly lepas terawikh minum shakes tp perut mmg rasa kenyang so tak mampu nak minum atau makan lagi. Tak macam sebelum HERBALIFE, lps terawikh mesti mau makan dan makan lagi..

Tahun nih nak improve sket. Insya Allah nak bersahur dan berbuka dengan HEALTHY BREAKFAST 1,2,3..pastu balik terawikh baru makan our colourful meal..heheh, dan dengan bangganya cadangan ini adalah daripada husband yang baru 2 bulan lebih bersama HERBALIFE..dont worry, his personal testimonial will be coming right up before raya;) semoga perut kami tidak lagi 'terkejut' setiap kali selepas berbuka dengan limpahan makanan dan minuman.

Alhamdulillah, mmg berpuasa sejak 2007-2011 smooth sbb takde dpt gastritis..Ye, pengalaman peribadi kalu minum shakes utk bersahur, alhamdulillah perut sentiasa kenyang tanpa rasa letih atau lesu..Kalu sekali dua bersahur dgn nasi, mesti by 12 tengah hari dah rasa pedih ulu hati dan tak bermaya menjelang pukul 6 petang sbb keletihan. kalu nak faham kenapa makan nasi jadi cepat lapar tapi minum shakes perut rasa kenyang je sampai berbuka, sila lihat graf di bawah..

Jadi, mari buat keputusan untuk berpuasa dengan cara yang sihat dan berkesan untuk mendetoxkan badan...

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Breakfast 1 2 3..

Alhamdulillah since 2 weeks ago, I started on HEALTHY BREAKFAST One Two Three as recommended by my wellness coach to maximise the benefit of Cellular Nutrition. Kalau dulu takde Herbal Aloe Concentrate, just minum teamix (step 2) and shakes (step 3). Personal testimonial kena tunggu 1 month la kot;)
Please read through and decide, whether you want to improve your health and energy for active life NOW?

It's common sense to do cleansing first before giving our body the nutrition we need. Sama macam bangun pagi cuci muka/mandi, baru letak moisturiser/lotion kan?

Please contact me via sms or email if you DECIDE to change your life for better health..

Friday, July 6, 2012

Testimonial : Diabetes dan Darah Tinggi..

Ini Kak Ton, my new friend dari Kelab Nutrisi Kuala Kedah. Baru 2 kali jumpe tapi sangat terharu dgr kisah dia..

Kak Ton seorang suri rumah dengan pendidikan sampai SPM, ibu pada 8 org anak..mmg jenis tak keluar rumah dan kurang bergaul..ada penyakit diabetes dan darah tinggi kronik selama lebih 10 tahun dan ada komplikasi buah pinggang..Sekeluarga hidup susah dgn suami tidak ada pekerjaaan tetap. Anak juga penghidap masalah buah pinggang dah bila nak buat pembedahan, terpaksa meminta derma/sumbangan dari org ramai..kurang keyakinan diri dan suka berleter (tak tipu, mmg quoted from her)..

Ini gambar masa taklimat kesihatan, Kak Ton tgh bagi taklimat tentang fakta kesihatan, pentingnya nutrisi dalam badan dan berkongsi kisahnya dengan HERBALIFE. Alhamdulillah dah nak masuk 4 bulan bersama MISI NUTRISI selepas diperkenalkan oleh suami (ye, sang suami juga menghidap kencing manis dan komplikasi mata kabur)

#1 Kak Ton rasa lebih cergas dan sihat selepas hari ke 3 mencuba HEALTHY BREAKFAST. Selepas buat keputusan utk minum setiap hari, bacaan gula turun daripada 20++ menjadi kurang daripada 10 dan bacaan tekanan darah di paras normal.. Alhamdulillah, komplikasi buah pinggang juga terkawal dan tenaga bertambah.

#2 Berkongsi kebaikan HEALTHY BREAKFAST dgn seisi keluarga, Alhamdulillah keadaan kesihatan anaknya yg bermasalah buah pinggang juga bertambah baik. Kak Ton sudah kurang membebel lagi pada suami dan anak2 dan lebih tenang..

#3 Alhamdulillah hasil perkongsian cerita dgn rakan2 yang lain, Kak Ton lebih dihargai oleh masyarakat, berkeyakinan diri utk memberi taklimat di hadapan orang ramai dan mempunyai pendapatan tetap bulanan..

Seperti biasa, HEALTHY BREAKFAST bukan ubat utk menyembuh penyakit kencing manis/darah tinggi/buah pinggang dan jantung (penyakit serangkai) tapi makanan nutrisi yg membantu badan berfungsi dgn lebih baik, memberi tenaga dan membaik pulih sel sel dalam badan..insya Allah.

Dengan ini, nak invite sesiapa yg berada di sekitar kawasan Jitra/Alor Setar/Kuala Kedah/Pokok Sena utk bersama-sama dgn MISI SIHAT HERBALIFE...boleh email atau sms utk mencuba;)

Kalau yg di luar Kedah pun boleh contact juga..


Monday, July 2, 2012

Weight Loss Challenge : Week 1

Ingat number nih? Taken on 23062012..Bermula misi baru dgn HERBALIFE utk shape up and lose weight in healthy way..

Alhamdulillah, it was an easy and smooth experience. Easy cos it only takes 10 mins of my time to prepare healthy nutrition shakes everyday and i made sure i drink enough water (for my weight, it's calculated to be 2.5L). I set my goal to get back my ideal weight of 52-53kg and be able to wear my old size within 3 months. Ye, target perlu ada barulah semangat tuh berterusan...

Day 1: one of my colleague came up to me at the end of my evening shift and commented

" yati, aku tgk hang nih dari tadi tak duduk2..berjalan sana sini tgk patient"

Hehe, terlebih energy so tak rasa nak duduk tgk computer sangat..berjalan keliling yellow zone in emergency department tgk patient sambil monitor keje2 housemen..Alhamdulillah for the extra energy..

Patutnye tunggu 1 week baru timbang berat tapi curiosity kills the cat, hari ke 3 dah jenguk weighing scale. Alhamdulillah, ada improvement..

So on the 30062012, it's time to weigh myself after 1 week of HEALTHY BREAKFAST and additional shakes replacement for dinner. Tp honestly, there were days x dpt nak amik shakes for dinner for various reason tp alhamdulillah, berjaya maintain dgn HEALTHY BREAKFAST dan 2.5L of water everyday.

Suspen jugak sebenarnye ( dlm hati berdebar2 sbb sedar compliance utk minum shakes 2 times per day stakat 70% je..selebihnye bergantung pada daily shakes for breakfast dan minum 2.5L air per day)

Alhamdulillah, all praise to Allah.

First thing that came out of my mind,
" Eh, penimbang nih rosak ke?'

Yes, 3 kg weight loss within a week is a personal record for me. My initial expectation is 1kg weight loss per week tp berkat minum shakes setiap pagi dan minum air secukupnya, berjaya juga turun berat dgn cara yang sihat.. Punyelah tak percaya, siap tanya husband whether penimbang tuh rosak ke tak, pastu naik timbang balik.. Oh, masih sama di nombor 57kg. Lepas tuh amik measuring tape utk 2nd part of SHAPE UP, heheh dah kurang 9cm over targeted area.

Seharian rasa gembira dgn diri sendiri..
This time nak tukar tagline sket,


Friday, June 29, 2012

Healthy Breakfast ...

Yes, this is a very important disclaimer in Herbalife. Herbalife shakes does not and will not diagnose or cure any illness but it will provide all the necessary nutrition for our body to improve our health. That's why testimonials does not limit to weight loss only but also weight gain (and shape up), diabetes, sinusitis, headache gout, hypertension, skin problem, low energy etc..

Basic concept:  Herbalife focus on Cellular Nutrition bcos by giving complete nutrition to our body cells, we will improve our cellular function and get better health.

We, Malaysians love to eat..that includes me.. I love food but i also love my body..I want it to keep healthy so that i can continue with my active life..Having nasi lemak or roti canai for breakfast is ok once in a while but if u consume it everyday, it will not do any good to your body. You will increase your body fat, sugar level and lead to obesity/hypertension/diabetic/heart disease/cancer. On top of that, your energy level may not sustained and you'll get hunger pain by midmorning.

Alhamdulillah for the past 6 years, i am very happy with my healthy breakfast of HERBALIFE SHAKES and never get bored of it cos i can always change the flavour for the next bottle..and if i'm extra 'rajin', i prepared variety of flavour to treat my tastebud.

Ye, Nilai sebuah kesihatan. Bersyukur dengan sihat sebelum sakit. mencegah lebih baik daripada merawat. Beza antara ubat dan makanan kesihatan. Tepuk dada tanya hati, kita nak enjoy all the unhealthy food for a few years then have to stop eating them sbb dah dpt diabetes/hypertension/heart disease/gout/cancer atau kita nak hidup cara sihat dgn ambil makanan nutrisi setiap hari dan still able to enjoy favourite food in moderation.

I choose the 2nd option with HERBALIFE ;)

This is what i mean by complete nutrition in HERBALIFE SHAKES. Our body need all the nutrition above to cleanse all the toxin, keep our bones healthy, give radiance to our skin, make toilet business easier (ehehe..) build our muscle and helps in blood cells production...

I no longer need to add in my monthly expenses the prices of all different sorts of vitamins to keep my health. It's all been taken care by HERBALIFE SHAKES. In a way, it helps if we want to save money for something else.